Standard Office Systems Blog

Top Managed Service Providers in Atlanta 2020

Written by Erica Kastner | 3/13/20 4:00 PM


Metro-Atlanta has a seemingly infinite amount of managed IT service providers, which makes narrowing down the best ones almost impossible.

While relying on the top 3 Google results or seeking out your friend's recommendation might work for more so commodity goods like a vacuum, managed IT services is a complex service that requires a lot of care when choosing.

Along with figuring out the right pricing model and service terms, you need to keep in mind that the right Managed Services Provider (MSP) should help decrease downtime, minimize cyber threats, and educate your employees about cybersecurity best practices. 

So, how do you get started finding a quality managed services provider? Fortunately, we're here to provide you with an in-depth review of the best managed service providers in Atlanta, GA for 2020. By the end of this review, you'll have a better idea of who to turn to when you need a quote.

Before You Read...

Standard Office Systems is an industry-leading provider of managed IT services that has been helping businesses meet their office technology needs for over 50 years. When we're approached by prospective clients, we frequently get asked the question:

"Who do you recommend as another quality provider in Atlanta?"

Admittedly, we want potential clients to work with us, but since we strive to help companies make decisions that best suit their business, a few years ago we decided to begin an annual list of the top managed IT services in Atlanta. 

To avoid bias, we have omitted our company from consideration on all our Top MSP lists. Keep reading to see our picks for the best Atlanta-based MSP's for 2020!

Selection Criteria

There are over 400 MSP's in the Atlanta area in some form! MSP's come in every size and shape, ranging from a one-man shop to an enterprise-level company. While MSP's of all configurations have their target consumer, your first step in finding ones that are a fit for your business is by figuring out which ones you can trust!

So, what does it take to make Standard Office Systems' 2020 Top Atlanta-Based Managed Service Providers list?

Years of Operation

Business is competitive, especially in the Atlanta market. Those who have been around for a long time, especially in the IT industry, are usually a testament to good service. Consider this: if a company had a poor reputation, why would it be open so long?

While this statement isn't always true, it does hold some weight. That's why, when compiling this list, we only included companies who have been in business for 10 or more years. 

While IT seems like a relatively new industry, it has existed in some form or another since the 90's. While brand new MSP's might have a competitive offering, wouldn't you rather side with a company who has worked in the industry long enough to personally understand how it's changed and grown? 

Customer Reviews

While you can't always trust an online review, they can serve as a good benchmark for a company's reputation, especially when a company has a lot of reviews.

What should be a potential red flag when you research IT companies is when a company has little to no customer reviews. This could mean that the company is either brand new or doesn't have a strong enough reputation to elicit many positive reviews from their customers. 

To establish a definitive threshold for the MSP's on this year's list, we only included those who have at least ten online Google business reviews. Additionally, we also only included those whose average rating was at least four stars.  

If you want more of an in-depth look at the quality of an MSP's work, ask them for testimonials or a reference list. With testimonials, you can see success stories and how an MSP conducts business. A reference list is golden because you can speak with their clients and get a feel for how much you can trust the MSP.

Competitive Pricing

While break-fix IT service companies can sometimes fix issues quickly and cheaply, the cost adds up faster than you think. Since you're only paying them to fix an issue when it arises, then the task of upgrading your cybersecurity infrastructure and consistently monitoring it for threats is left up to you.

Because of this, we did not include any IT break-fix companies on this list unless they also offer a full managed services offering.

While cost is one of the most important factors to consider when making an investment in your network, the cheapest option isn't always the best. The best pricing can be found at the intersection of reasonable prices and quality long-term service. 

Extensive Customer Support 

Far too often, managed service providers outsource their help desk/Tier 1 support, even more so with their after-hours support.

Sometimes, an MSP employs overseas help desks with high turnover rates, which means that when you need to deal with critical issues, communication can take longer. This is because, especially during a late-night emergency, you may have to jump through extra hoops to get issues resolved.

We understand the value of quality customer service, especially when dealing with critical IT issues, which is why we only included MSP's on this list that have a quality level of customer support.

RELATED: NOC vs. Help Desk: What's the Difference?

Employee Reviews

Employee reviews are a testament to a company's work ethic and culture. Unfavorable employee reviews could mean that employees are overworked and have too much pressure placed on them. Happy employees can lead to more positive customer service experiences!

Also, consider the fact that Glassdoor reviews only include employees who have directly worked at that company. These reviews don't include anybody that works for a help desk that a company has outsourced, which leaves you in the dark about the customer service quality you're getting. 

To highlight companies who have made a commitment to fostering a positive workplace environment, we mandated that a company must possess an average Glassdoor rating of 3 or better in order to make our list.

Georgia Headquarters

While it isn't imperative that your IT provider have a headquarters in Georgia,  it is critical that they at least have a branch within a reasonable driving distance.

If your business is experiencing a crisis such as a ransomware attack or widespread network outage, you can have more peace of mind with a company that can quickly drive over to your office to address issues. 

Additionally, signing with a large corporation whose headquarters are in another state could mean that your business isn't getting as personal of a treatment as it might with a local company headquartered near you.

Large corporations mean that you might have to go through layers of employees of phone calls before reaching the appropriate personnel.

2020 Top Managed IT Service Providers in Atlanta

*The following list is in alphabetical order and not ranked.


Founded: 1992
Headquarters: Alpharetta, GA
Google Review Rating: 4.9/5
Glassdoor Rating: 5/5

"... [IT] provider of outsourcing solutions, managed services, application hosting, and IT infrastructure for small to mid-size businesses."


Founded: 2008
Headquarters: Atlanta, GA
Google Review Rating: 5/5
Glassdoor Rating: 5/5

"...provides technology expertise, services, and support to help small and mid-sized organizations sustain growth and strengthen performance."


Founded: 1997

Headquarters: Atlanta, GA

Google Review Rating: 4.8/5

Glassdoor Rating: 4/5

"Our mission is to help people get important work done and make them feel human in the process."


Founded: 1998

Headquarters: Atlanta, GA

Google Review Rating: 5/5

Glassdoor Rating: 3.6/5

"We help to bring new focus to your organization’s IT needs with better IT budgeting, 'right-fit' solutions, and dedicated IT support professionals."

Next Steps

While it's your choice whether or not you want to use our list as a reference when further researching top MSP's in Atlanta, we hope that this article served as a good jumping off point to propel you towards further research.

We wrote this article because we know that the Atlanta market and the concept of managed IT services itself can both be overwhelming! If you're interested in learning more about SOS or our managed IT services offering, feel free to explore our website.

For more information about IT and cybersecurity, feel free to check out our blog. Subscribe and receive the most up-to-date information on office technology!

Want to Learn More?

What is a Managed Service Provider?                                                        How Much Do Managed IT Services Cost? [Complete Guide]                  Questions to Ask an IT Provider                                                                  Superior Solutions for IT on a Budget