Backup and Disaster Recovery [BCDR] Planning

What is a BCDR Plan?

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) plans are utilized by businesses to ensure that operations run smoothly with minimal downtime and data loss in the event of network outages caused by breaches or natural disasters.

Business Continuity plans re-direct resources, establish chains of command, and coordinate shifts in employees so that business operations have minimal interruptions during natural disasters and network outages.

Disaster Recovery plans mainly focus on how to utilize effective IT to quickly recover one’s network with minimal downtime and data loss. A few main tenants of Disaster Recovery plans include server and network restoration and backup recovery.

Why Are BCDR Plans Important?

Imagine all the important and sensitive files that your business stores on your network. How would your business be negatively impacted if it lost access to some or all of its data? 

In the event of a network outage, which can be caused from numerous scenarios such as natural disasters, cyber attacks, and technology failures, your business could lose access to much of its valuable data if you don’t have a comprehensive BCDR plan to secure data.

The costs of network downtime can add up too− imagine how much money your company could lose if it took hours, a day, or longer to restore your network and return business operations to full functionality. Thankfully, BCDR plans can help. The benefits of creating a BCDR plan include:

  • Minimal downtime− When your data is backed up as frequently and in as many places as possible, your network can be restored quicker if it were to fail.
  • Business preparation− You never know when a network outage will strike. Creating a BCDR plan keeps everyone in the loop on the proper steps to take and how to coordinate shifts in business operations so that operational downtime is minimized.
  • Sensitive data protection− If your network goes down and you have to restore it using older backups, you may lose access to sensitive data. Completing backups frequently, properly, and securely minimizes the chances that your business will lose data in the event of a network outage.

The SOS Difference

At Standard Office Systems, we aim to work with your company to build a comprehensive and customized BCDR plan that fits your needs. 

For businesses in industries that must follow data regulations, we can assist in keeping you compliant with data storage and data privacy requirements. 

We build disaster recovery solutions designed to backup critical data and restore your network after disasters. We offer peace of mind with online backup solutions and restoration to minimize downtime and get your company’s network running as soon as possible.

Additionally, our 24/7 network monitoring services ensure that network uptime is maintained even outside of business hours.

Our Offering

Here is how our company works with you to build a comprehensive BCDR plan:

Backup automation and monitoring

  • Frequent Automated Backups− Data backups are automatically completed as often as possible, usually multiple times a day, to ensure minimal data loss no matter what time your network goes down. 
  • Automatic Nightly Offsite Transfer– To ensure that data is backed up and protected even outside of business hours, our operators schedule network snapshots to replicate and regulate the amount of bandwidth utilized when syncing with the cloud.
  • Off-Site Synchronization– Snapshots of network-related data are sent to an offsite data center at customizable times to ensure quick recovery in the event of a network failure.
  • Backup Verification & Reporting− We analyze past backups through automated integrity checks to identify inefficiencies and improve processes moving forward, thus ensuring that backups are completed as accurately and efficiently as possible.
  • 24/7 Backup Failure Monitoring− We proactively monitor your network to ensure that as soon as it goes down, it’s quickly rebooted via a virtual fail-over server. 

Data storage

  • Multiple data storage locations− By storing data in three different locations, multiple recovery points are established in the event that your network fails and must be rebooted using data backups. This ensures that your network can be recovered quickly and efficiently. 

Reach Out Today

To request a brief consultation on a corporate BCDR solution for your business: