Your Office Technology Partner
in Atlanta and Nationwide

Standard Office Systems (SOS) is an Atlanta-based technology services company that offers managed print services, copiers, printers, and managed IT services.

Supporting over
Different Brands

What Sets Us Apart

Optimize your existing equipment and control costs with one custom, streamlined printing system.

Eliminate headaches with our predictive analytics and seamless technology support system.

Usher in digital transformation with comprehensive in-house production printing solutions that maximize your potential for cost savings and productivity improvements.​

Print security solutions that identify firmware vulnerabilities and avoid potential print and document breaches that can damage your business or your brand.​

Solutions for Your Industry

Standard Office Systems has a track record of success in reducing IT time, improving document workflow, and reducing costs in many different vertical markets.

A Nationwide Network

Standard Office Systems, powered by Flex Technology Group, is home to the largest nationwide network of locations providing direct service to customers across the United States. The coverage map below shows our offices and customer locations throughout the United States.

Supported Device Manufacturers

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Supported Device Models

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Offices throughout the US


Zip codes covered by W2


Managed Devices

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At the forefront of the printing industry

Dive into our world with curated resources, helpful insights, educational content, and more from FlexTG.

Frequently Asked Questions

Managed print as a service is a program that analyzes your print devices, recommends improvements to a new or existing print fleet, and manages the service of your entire print fleet, regardless of location or print device brand.

Yes. FTG is the only managed print provider with a national network of technicians who can service your current print fleet. We do not employ the rip-and-replace model of most MPS providers.

No. We enjoy great managed print partnerships with many non-profit, educational, and government organizations.

While savings can be the most significant the larger an organization is, FTG works with small and medium-sized organizations across the United States.

Although it is often a cost benefit for organizations to upgrade their print fleet, it isn’t a requirement to enjoy the benefits of managed print services.